Since 1993, Kaffee-Konzepte has been working as a system provider and service company for professional coffee supply. Our long-time expertise paired with the high-quality products of our partner companies enables us to offer business customers practical and affordable beverage supply solutions.
From the smallest office coffee maker to fast coffee dispensers with up to 6 litres per minute, and from whole bean and freeze-dried coffee to liquid coffee concentrate, we can provide you with everything you need.
Since 2010, we have been engineering and manufacturing our own coffee dispensers. Our knowledge, experience and consistent attention to detail and quality have placed these machines well in the market, they are sold worldwide.
Our strengths:
- Individual consultation
- Market oriented use of our products
- Extensive line of goods for each operational area
- Selected quality product partners
- Good price-performance ratio
- 24 hour service throughout Germany
- Everything from a single source: Machines, products and service
Kaffee-Konzepte GmbH & Co. KG is registered with "Zentralen Stelle Verpackungsregister" and at "Der grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland".